How to Get AdSense Approval? Solution in 8 Steps – 2024

I constantly hear the same question from many people around me: Why is my Adsense application not approved? Believe me, I know very well how it feels when your Adsense application is not approved.
Most Approved AdSense Compatible WordPress Themes
If you will earn income from Adsense, you need to invest with it. One of the biggest mistakes made by many publishers who want to earn Adsense income is not using a professional theme. WordPress themes that cannot be updated or developed will cause difficulties for you in both SEO and Adsense acceptance stages.

I researched the most successful Adsense compatible WordPress themes for you.

1 – Truemag – AdSense WordPress Theme

2 – Admania – Adsense WordPress Theme

3 – Osnic – Premium Adsense Theme

4 – RedMag – AdSense Optimized & Entertainment News Theme

5 – Wise Mag | AdSense Optimized Magazine WordPress Theme

How to Get AdSense Approval?

In the first years when I stepped into the internet world and got involved in SEO, almost all of my sites were rejected by Adsense, and I even got angry and came to the point of quitting this job. But then, by following the right methods, I learned that getting Adsense approval is not as difficult as it seems.

Adsense revenues are perhaps the biggest source of income for many website owners and SEO agencies (I recommend you read our article called What is SEO). Affiliate, banner sales, promotional articles or link sales aside, Adsense really has a different taste. Google Adsense is a channel where you can both get guaranteed payments and earn serious money with smart Adsense ad placements. Additionally, if you decide to sell your website one day, Adsense is a service that can best reveal the value of your site. So, no one will care how much money you make from promotional articles or banner sales. This kind of income exists today, it does not exist tomorrow. However, Adsense is permanent and it is one of the most difficult channels to manipulate.

Anyway, let’s examine why your Adsense application may not be approved.

Duplicate Content

Google is constantly developing new software against duplicate content, such as the Panda algorithm, and is scrutinizing the issue as much as possible. The underlying reason for this is purely commercial. In other words, the more sites with duplicate content you come across in Google search results, the less likely you are to choose Google. In other words, the biggest reason why 95% of users in Turkey prefer Google is that Google gives much better/original results than other search engines. Therefore, Google can fill its coffers with millions in this way. As a result, Google does not want to shoot itself in the leg with duplicate content.

Going back to Adsense, while Google attaches such importance to duplicate content, it would probably be a dream to expect your Adsense application to be approved with a site containing duplicate content.

If you have just opened your website, be sure to create all your articles with original content before applying for Google Adsense. If you are going to apply for an already active website, remove duplicate content from your site, at least for a while.

Number of Content

Are you not thinking of applying to Google Adsense with 2 original articles? Your chance of getting rejected is almost 100% 🙂

As I explained above, Google is a commercial business and invests in providing the best experience to advertisers. How can a revenue model be created for two articles published on your site?

Before applying to Adsense, I recommend that you prepare at least 50-60 pieces of content between 200-500 words. There may be people around you who brag about how their Adsense application was approved in 10 articles, but don’t leave it to chance and be a little patient.

Prohibited Content

If your website contains prohibited content, Google ads approval will be a dream. In other words, sexual content, terrorism or any harmful content will eliminate your chances of Adsense approval.

It would be useful to elaborate on the issue of sexual content a little more. A health-related website I opened 5 years ago was rejected by Google Adsense for 3 months. It was not possible to find anyone on Google regarding the issue, so I was angry at that time. Later, in line with the information I received from a few important sources, I removed all the sexuality-related articles I had posted on my site. When I say sexuality, I’m talking about standard Hurriyet news. So I never got into anything extreme. Anyway, after editing my site, my application was approved within 2 days. Then I realized that if your site is small, you can get caught in Google filters immediately.

Contact information

Google says that your website must include contact information. In fact, having a contact page is very important both for user experience and for Google policies.

Google’s thinking is this: if a website does not provide contact information to users, it is not a trustworthy site. So why would someone hesitate to give out their contact information?

Therefore, before applying to Adsense, I recommend that you open a contact page and add all the contact information you can provide to this page.

Privacy Policy

It would be to your benefit to have a page such as a privacy policy on your website. If you have a blog, the privacy policy may sound ridiculous, but believe me, it is not ridiculous!

According to Google, sites that include a privacy policy on their sites take their work seriously, so doing business with serious sites speeds up Google’s approval process. In the privacy policy, you can include standard information such as that you will not share the information of registered users on your site with third parties, that your content is completely original and should never be shared without permission. However, do not copy this content from somewhere so that you do not end up with duplicate content on your site 🙂

Commercial Content

Our topic is again about Google making money 🙂 As I mentioned before, Google’s only purpose is to make money. So why bother with content that no one would want to advertise on?

Business owners who want to place visual advertising on Google have only one topic in mind. Users coming from ads make purchases on the pages they came from. In other words, your site may be of very high quality, or you may be publishing your articles after a lot of effort, but if Google thinks that it cannot make money from this, it will not approve your Adsense application. But there is one exception: the number of users!

Number of users

If you do not contain prohibited content on your site and your daily visitor count is quite high, you can forget what I have mentioned above.

If Google learns that there is significant traffic to your site, it will definitely reach the right audiences to show the ads you will run on your site. It is possible to reach the right audiences with advertisements created with the remarketing method, which has a very important place in the marketing world. In other words, if you have a site that describes golf matches and the user who will visit your site has searched for Nike shoes on Google before you, they may encounter this ad on your site. Therefore, if you find enough traffic, Google will somehow make sales to its customers 🙂


Getting Google Adsense approval via WordPress or Blogger is higher than other platforms or websites you write yourself.

Blogger, Google’s own service, or WordPress, used by millions all over the world, are very strong platforms in terms of security and performance, and therefore the user experience is at the highest level in these two places. Google knows the WordPress or Blogger structure like the back of its hand, and the easier its job becomes, the better it uses advertising spaces.

Also, visuality is important for Google. In other words, the better the visual of your site, the better experience you will give to users. We can say that WordPress and Blogger sites quite meet Google standards in terms of visuality.

Therefore, if you are determined to get an Adsense approval, starting from WordPress or Blogger will offer you a significant advantage.

If you follow the steps I mentioned above, your Adsense approval will be accepted within 1-2 weeks and the only thing left for you to do after that is how you can earn more money. 🙂

By Mehmet Özkoç

Hi readers. I am from Turkey, I am one of the founders of the site. We opened the Adsenses site to provide information to our readers from all over the world. Stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “How to Get AdSense Approval? Solution in 8 Steps – 2024”
  1. It’s not often that we come across content that really resonates with us, but this one is a standout. From the writing to the visuals, everything is simply wonderful.

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