Google AdSense: Prohibited Ways and Things to Consider

While Google AdSense is a great tool to make your website monetized, there are rules that must be followed. If you break the rules, you may experience undesirable consequences such as suspension or closure of your account. In this article, we will cover some things you should never do in Google AdSense and things you should pay attention to to keep your account safe.

1. Don’t Fake Clicks:

One of the most important points of AdSense policies is to generate ad clicks by artificial means. This includes using clickbots, asking friends and family for clicks, or manually clicking your ad units. Such activities may result in the termination of your account.

2. Pay Attention to Content Restrictions:

Google AdSense does not show ads on certain types of content. These include content containing adult content, violence, hate speech, copyright infringement, and misleading information. It is not possible to use AdSense on a site with such content.

3. Be Cautious with Automated Ads:

Google AdSense auto ads automatically places ads that may be relevant to you. However, keep in mind that these ads may not always be suitable for you or your site. You can prevent inappropriate ads from being displayed by checking the content in automatic ads.

4. Do Not Change Codes:

Do not make any changes to AdSense codes. Changes to the codes may affect ad display and lead to suspension of your account.

5. Store Name Units:

Google stores ad units to control ad impressions and clicks. Deleting these volumes may hide suspicious activity and may result in your account being closed.

6. Don’t Engage in Illegal Activities:

You cannot use Google AdSense on content related to illegal activities. Such activities include spam, phishing, gambling and copyright infringement.

7. Do Not Share Account Details:

Do not share your AdSense account login information and other sensitive details with anyone.

8. Understand the Review Process:

Google periodically reviews all new AdSense registrations and active accounts. It is important to understand the review process and provide the necessary information accurately.

9. Use the Help Center:

If you have questions or need help with anything, you can use the Google AdSense Help Center. You can find lots of useful information and resources in the Help Center.

10. Finally, Be Honest:

Complying with the rules of the Google AdSense program will benefit you in the long run. By displaying ads honestly, you create a sustainable revenue model for both yourself and Google.

By following these rules, you can benefit from the Google AdSense program safely and successfully. If you are in doubt about anything, feel free to ask for help at the Google AdSense Help Center.

By Mehmet Özkoç

Hi readers. I am from Turkey, I am one of the founders of the site. We opened the Adsenses site to provide information to our readers from all over the world. Stay tuned.

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