Why Can't Chickens Be Dressed in Emergency Departments?

The other day, we watched a video of a well-intentioned man who brought his chicken to the emergency room for dressing. There was a lot of discussion about this. “Infantilopathy”, one of the doctor writers of the Dictionary, also said something about the subject.

1) emergency rooms and dressing rooms are for people. The entry of non-human creatures into these places is harmful in terms of contamination.

2) Emergency services and their associated dressing rooms cannot be unnecessarily occupied. You say the dressing should be done in a minute. But in that one minute, 100 patients can enter the emergency room. The staff also has to say “wait, I’m dressing the chicken.”

3) Medical supplies used in emergency services and dressing rooms are for humans and are limited. They have certain costs. When used for people, SSI or other government institutions pay this cost or provide these materials. If used for chicken, “Are you kidding us?” they say. He also said to a patient who might come later: “I mean, we had sterile equipment, but we used it on chicken and it ran out.” you have to say.

4) Paramedics working in emergency services and dressing rooms have received training on human subjects. Although it is said that humans are animals that can think, the biological structure and anatomy of animals are different from humans. Because of this difference, there is a branch of science called veterinary medicine. Healthcare professionals trained for humans do not and cannot intervene in animals.

5) The dressing you call zıkkım is not something that is called tincture of iodine and baticon in one minute. It includes evaluation and examination of the wound before and after. And it is nearly impossible for people trained to make this assessment. and if this evaluation is made incorrectly, epidemic diseases that can pass from animals to humans may occur. And yes, I am not exaggerating, every epidemic starts with a case.

6) I don’t even want to think about what kind of diseases may arise from chickens and other animals, especially injured chickens and other animals, being in the hospital.


By Mehmet Özkoç

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